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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 09/15/2008
Lenox Community Preservation Committee
September 15, 2008

Members present:  Roscoe Sandlin (RS), Midge Sandlin (MS), Joe G. Strauch (JGS), Scott Pignatelli (SP) and James Jurney, Jr. (JJ)
Jim Sorrentino (JS), Joseph Kellogg (JK) Fred Keator (FK) and Olga Weiss (OW) absent with notification.

Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner  and Jim Harwood, Lenox Historic District Commission.  

Meeting opened at 7:35 PM.  

RS opened by saying that the meeting is dedicated to a discussion of historic preservation needs.  He welcomed James Jurney, Jr. and briefly explained the mission of the CPC.  

JGS made a motion to approve the minutes for the following meetings:  March 27, 2008, June 23, 2008, July 28, 2008 and August 25, 2008.  MS seconded and all members voted in favor.

Members discussed the town’s historic preservation needs.   The purchase of the library was a historic preservation project and the town is committed to spend approximately $165,000 per year for the next ten years.   SP suggested that in the future – the CPC recommend historic preservation projects that can be completed in one year.  

James Harwood is concerned about the “estate” properties and the how the town can encourage property owners to maintain the historic mansions.  It is in the town’s interest to work with the estate owners.   

JJ said he represents the Historical Commission.  The Commission has two requests for CPA funding:   1) the restoration of the Church on Hill Cemetery; and 2) the installation of signs that mark historic town buildings.   The Church on the Hill Cemetery is very important and needs considerable work such as restoring and resetting the grave stones.   The sign program is a much smaller project and would allow the Commission to install signs on historic buildings.  The signs would be small, of high quality material and state the name of the building and date constructed.  

SP likes the sign project because it can be completed quickly but he questioned if there would be a deed restriction to ensure the sign remains on the house if it is sold.  JGS views the cemetery as an historic town asset in need of restoration.  It was agreed tat the cemetery restoration is a very worthy historic preservation project.  

Discussion ensued regarding the Great Estate provision in the Zoning Bylaw and the need to allow for adaptive reuse of the mansions.  There was a great deal of discussion on how the town should preserve the mansions.

MS suggested that the sign project is a nice idea but questioned if it should be a priority for CPA funding.  She suggested that New Bedford has a historic sign program and the building owner pays for the sign.  It is viewed as an honor and property owners are willing to pay for the sign.  

RS concluded the discussion by noting that the consensus of the committee members is that CPA money should be considered “seed money”.  CPA money will not be the only source of funding.  The CPC members are inclined to bank CPA money next year.   

Members reviewed the calendar and decided that the deadline for applications will be January 8, 2009 and the committee will meet on January 12, 2009 at 7:30 PM to review the applications.  RS and MA will work on getting publicity for the application process.  The application will be the same as last year.  The next CPC meeting will be October 27 @ 7:30 PM.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Albertson, Town Planner